April Business Lunch Connect

April Business Lunch Connect

Join us to learn, network, and be inspired with other area professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, and visionaries! Chapter or Visiting Members are always welcome!  New or prospective members can join us at www.polkadotpowerhouse.com.  Come prepared to tell us about your passions and why you are doing what you do, come ready to celebrate you and your accomplishments, and come ready to collaborate with a Dot or two.

Featured Speaker: Joy Ruffen, Signature Style Specialist & Professional Speaker

Topic: Pro Tips To Signature Style 

Pro tips for professionals today are required more than ever. Why? Entrepreneurial women are more in business today than ever. 

It is our time, so how we show up matters. Dress for success is still prevalent.

Together it's time to explore the true essence of what femininity, sexuality, and sensuality are all about; why does it begin with our body shapes? 

There is no Signature Style without knowing it in and out backward, forward, and around it.  

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 04-28-2021 12:00 pm
Meeting End Date/Time 04-28-2021 2:00 pm
Capacity 35
Registered 19
Remaining Seats Available 16
Location Eastpoint Country Club

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting